Multicultural and Intercultural Management within a Global Context

Multicultural and Intercultural Management within a Global Context

Cagáňová Dagmar , Šujanová Jana , Woolliscroft Paul
This textbook discusses the current issues of multicultural/intercultural management, through the discussion of culture and its implications on management.

Dostupnosť : Skladom

The topic of interculturality has become more important and relevant than it was in the past, this is especially so since Slovakia joined the European Union.

Vlastnosti knihy

  • Edícia: vysokoškolská učebnica
  • Vydanie číslo: 1.
  • Vydanie rok: 2015
  • Väzba: V2
  • Počet strán: 140
  • Rozmer [mm/formát]: B5
  • ISBN: 978-80-227-4439-3

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